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The Commission for the Control of INTERPOL’s Files (CCF) begins its 131st session today, running from January 27 to January 31, 2025. These sessions are key moments for the CCF, where individual requests are carefully reviewed, cases discussed, and decisions are made.
This article provides an opportunity to better understand the purpose, and functioning of these sessions, which are essential to the CCF’s role in handling individual requests.

Purpose of the Sessions

The CCF’s sessions are periodic meetings where the CCF members review, discuss, and make decisions on issues, projects, and individual requests submitted to the Commission. CCF members, who are elected by INTERPOL’s General Assembly, include seven individuals from different legal, academic, and human rights backgrounds. They do not work full-time at INTERPOL’s Lyon headquarters and generally meet only during scheduled sessions. Between sessions, the CCF is supported by its Secretariat—a permanent body led by a Secretary who operates under the Commission’s authority.

When an individual request is received, it is first reviewed by the CCF Secretariat, which determines admissibility. This involves a thorough assessment in line with INTERPOL’s rules and may require additional information from the applicant, sources, or open-source research. The Secretariat then prepares a case summary for the CCF members to discuss during the session. These sessions are therefore a key moment where individual requests are discussed by the CCF members and ultimately where decisions are made.

Functioning of the Sessions

The Commission’s sessions are held in camera (privately), meaning only CCF members and Secretariat staff may attend. However, the Commission may invite other individuals if their presence is necessary for a specific case. The Chairperson of the Commission (currently Teresa McHenry from the United States) presides over the sessions and leads discussions within both the Supervisory and Advisory Chamber and the Requests Chamber.

Location and Format

The CCF sessions typically take place at INTERPOL’s headquarters in Lyon, France, although remote participation through video or telephone conferencing may be permitted when necessary.

Frequency of the Sessions

As per Article 16 of the CCF Statute, the Commission meets at least three times per year. Last year, the Commission held four sessions, each lasting five days.

For 2025, the CCF has scheduled the following sessions:

  • 131st Session: 27 January 2025 – 31 January 2025
  • 132nd Session: April (exact dates to be confirmed)
  • 133rd Session: June (exact dates to be confirmed)
  • 134th Session: October (exact dates to be confirmed)

If an individual request is scheduled to be reviewed during a session, the applicant will be informed that their case will be discussed in that session.