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Our ethical commitments

At Otherside, we’re committed to the highest ethical standard. The founder’s experience at the CCF (Commission for the Control of INTERPOL’s Files) provides Otherside with a comprehensive understanding of the CCF’s legal procedures and jurisprudence. Importantly, we want to make it clear that this expertise does not afford us any influence over the CCF’s Secretariat, the CCF members, or the decisions they make.

Confidentiality and professional secrecy

Integral to our ethical practice is a strict adherence to confidentiality and professional secrecy. The sensitive nature of the information we handled in the past mandates discretion. As such, we are committed to not disclosing any specific case details or sensitive information that we learned during our time at the Commission.

Conflicts of interest

Ensuring the avoidance of any conflicts of interest is essential to our ethical framework. We conscientiously refrain from taking on cases in which the founder had direct involvement while at the CCF. Additionally, we avoid situations where our prior knowledge could pose ethical conflicts.